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Digital Capabilities Framework

Information Management - The report sets out what all early career built environment professionals should know about digitally enabled ways of working, supporting transformational change in the sector.

National Metrics Library (NML)

The vision for the UK National Metric Library (NML) is: “The UK National Metric Library is a national structured repository of quantitative and qualitative performance metrics for the built environment. It will support coordination, innovation, knowledge sharing and dissemination of best practice to improve how we measure sustainable performance across the asset lifecycle.” This strategy paper presents initial research findings on the value of the UK NML for the built environment, models for delivery and key recommendations for the development and launch of a future NML.

Skills and Competency Framework

Information Management - The framework and supporting resources outline the roles and skills needed to develop and implement the IMF and support for organisations and individuals to develop these.

LEXiCON Phase 2 - Summary Report

LEXiCON - This report outlines the next steps to trustworthy, structured digital product information that drives improvement in safety, quality and sustainability.

LEXiCON Methodology: Creating relevant authorities and achieving consensus

LEXiCON - The first phase of LEXiCON sets out a methodology for the creation and management of ‘Product Data Templates’.

Information Management project outputs

Information Management - A visual guide on the Hub's Information Management programme and the tools it gives industry to achieve Transforming Construction Challenge targets.

Digital Compliance Ecosystem Briefing Note

Digital Compliance - This Briefing Note introduces the project and describes the need for the Digital Compliance Ecosystem, along with its structure and functionality.

Spark of change: Tackling regional inequalities with offsite manufacturing

Information Management - Learn about research being conducted to ensure industry innovations are beneficial to everyone, nationwide.

What if… sustainability was at the heart of decision making?

Information Management - Discover how, by redefining what value means, success can be realised through saving more than just cost and time.

Spark of change: Timber in schools

Information Management - Discover how engineered timber may hold the key to unlock an additional 120,000 school places for children across the UK.

What if… we could build for better patient care?

Information Management - Discover how a collaborative approach to the design and construction of healthcare buildings can improve patient outcomes.

Energy and Carbon Framework

Information Management - The guidance defines operational energy and carbon dioxide emissions information exchanges for Government Soft Landings (GSL) projects.

The Digital Innovation Imperative

Information Management - A reflection on the digital transformation in the UK’s built environment since the announcement of the government’s BIM mandate.

Local Authority Government Soft Landings Navigator

Information Management - This interactive navigator will assist to practically apply Government Soft Landings to a project.

Driving transformation, delivering value: Government Discovery research

All projects - A summary of the outputs from comprehensive research to understand how strategic government intervention can boost productivity and improve performance in the UK construction sector.

Smart Standards: An approach to implementing ISO 19650-2 using tasks in a digital process

Information Management - The report explores how tasks deployed on a software platform could be used to guide small to medium enterprises (SMEs) and other organisations to better apply the standards.

Our Vision for the Built Environment

All projects - The Vision for the Built Environment describes a safe, high quality, resilient and low carbon built environment system that works together to meet the needs of our future society, environment and economy.

Sparking digital transformation in local authorities

First in a suite of tools to enable local authorities to transform and put innovation at the heart of how they plan, procure build and operate their buildings and estates.

Driving transformation, delivering value: Output from Government Discovery research

All projects - Findings from reviewing how strategic government intervention can boost productivity and improve performance in the UK construction sector.

Government Soft Landings NHSScotland Interactive Navigator

Information Management - NHSScotland's interactive navigator aims to align those who design, construct and use their assets.

Government Soft Landings guidance for the public sector

Information Management - This guidance provides support for operational objectives and delivering the UK BIM Framework.

Line of Sight: an Asset Management Methodology to Support Organisational Objective

Information Management - Optimising asset management to realise business success and key insights into the method.
